Precision Luxators are used to force a wedge between the root of the tooth and the surrounding bone,which helps to loosen the tooth within the socket. Precision Luxators are often used to
- Cut the peridontal ligament
- Simple and effective alveolar bone compression
- Pre step for extraction procedure
- Preseve bone integrity
- Reduced trauma to teeth & tissues
- Gentle penetration & efficient cutting of PDL
- Tips are more finely tapered than elevators tips
- Combination of a Periotome and an elevator
- The sharp tip enables more efficient cutting of the periodontal ligament, while the tapering shaft assists with controlled expansion of the bony socket
- The extraction operation may be performed with the minimum amount of tissue damage
- Ergonomic design
- Serrated handles - Better Grip
- Sharp Tip - Better Adaptation to root surface Cut PDL easily
- Large handles - Better Operator fit
- light in weight as well as simple to grip.
- Imported Premium Quality Stainless Steel.
- Corrosion resistant - Passivated
- Autoclavable
How to use:
Luxators are used in cutting & rotating manner & permits a gentle widening of the alveole & major part of extraction can be done without forceps.
The shank & blade are placed parallel to root surface of tooth and tip of the luxator is pushed into alveolar socket. It is always a matter of personal choice and experience.
Long / short - Using the regular or the short periotome is a matter of control and access. The 10mm shorter blade on Luxator Short Peritome enables an optimal working position for smaller hands.
Contra - Good access from the lingual and/or distal side.
Inverted - About the same but less. General, Lingual and/or Distal
Curved - General use or starter. Good from the buccal side
Straight - Apical and/or interproximal
L3A - Distal of the third molar
Dual Edge - Start of difficult, well hidden, root extraction, extract fractured tips. Safer stepped insertion reduces the risk of slipping. Ideal for deeply fractured teeth and decayed roots.
L3S: 3mm Straight , Apical
L3C: 3mm Curved, Interproximal
L5S: 5mm Straight Molar Roots
L5C: 5mm Curved, Interproximal
L3CA: 3mm Contra-Angle, Lingual Distal Molars
L2S: 2mm Straight, Apical
L3IC: 3mm Contra-Angle, Lingual Distal Molars
DE3: 3mm + 2mm Double Edge
DE5: 5mm + 3mm Double Edge
Technical Specifications:
- Rusting Prevention - Passivated
- Ultrasonic cleaned - Yes
- Usage - Right & Left hand
- Test Performed - Boil Test, Performance Test, Shape Test